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Talk to Design

There is a sublime communication that exists between people and the design we chose to surround ourselves with, charismatic and poetic.
There is a sublime communication that exists between people and the design we chose to surround ourselves with, charismatic and poetic.

Subtle, engaging, and persuasive, design envelopes our consciousness in a dialogue of enraptured use and profound meaning as we encounter the forms and materials that inform our daily routines, whether seducing us with comfort or guiding our social interactions with ease of communion and intimacy or responding to our needs with poise and efficiency. From gentle whispers of soul gratifying beauty to bold proclamations of functionality and repose, we talk to design with curiosity and purpose, and listen intently as it shapes our living spaces with a harmony of proportions and a symphony of poetic meaning, the objects we live with becoming like members of a family, imbedded in our everyday rituals with seamless grace as it charms our existence with conversations of convenience, character, and visual charisma.

There is a sublime communication that exists between people and the design we chose to surround ourselves with, both with objects that command direct interaction, like the manipulation of the alluring controls on a Transparent speaker or enhanced recline that lives with Edra’s Smart Cushion technology on Francesco Binfaré’s Standard sofa, and with objects for which the interface is less material, as with the coquettish companionship of the Eames House Bird or the delightful presence and informative charge of the Tiuku Standing Pendulum Clock. Questions we may ask of design include ones of utility and order, like how it may serve us, what aspects of life become more streamlined and pleasurable with use, and what kind of activities are encouraged and enhanced with a given configuration. We may also ask questions of elevated awareness, like what meaning does a particular design grant our being, why its aesthetic brings us joy, quietude, or composure, and how does this design communicate with other objects in a space. Good design responds with assurance and fortitude; as our hand cradles the Forma Cheese Grater it guides our motions with sturdy control and comfortable ease, and tells us that even the most minor of tasks can be satisfying, comfortable, and transcendent, and as we slide open a door to a Porro closet it exclaims that even the necessary tasks like dressing can be made divine with sinuous yet sensible structure and well-crafted beauty.

Converse with design and unleash the power of forms that deliver comfort, closeness, and ease and materials that awaken the mind to new ways of living in the world with poise and contentment, where arresting visuals and enriched functionality impart style, efficiency, and delight to our living spaces, sophisticated and serene. When encountering new designs, let them speak to you – does a piece hum a tune of familiarity and understanding, or does it sing of inspired, unaccustomed horizons? Which colors uplift and provoke, and which ones center the soul with relaxation and calm? When the conversations become balanced with the wonders of discovery and buoyant fascination, you can craft an environment that expresses your desires and addresses your needs, voicing a nourishing coherence of pleasure and practicality, surrounded by objects and furnishings that live as dynamic and supportive, breathing vitality into our homes with enchanting luxury and delicate reprieve.   

July 2024