You have the option to exchange or receive store credit for any items bought from, but please note that this can only be done within 14 days after the delivery. To be eligible for a return, the merchandise should be in its original condition and packaging, and you must provide the original receipt. Before returning the item, you need to get pre-authorization by contacting (855) 341-3620.
Returns that are not pre-authorized will incur a restocking fee of 20%. Please note that certain items cannot be returned, including made-to-order items, customized items, special-order items, and lighting that requires professional installation. All returns must be made via the original shipping method through which the order arrived (UPS, Freight, White Glove, etc.).
Refunds will only be issued if the merchandise is defective and cannot be replaced.
When returning items, please ensure they are securely packed and shipped at your own expense.
Please be aware that the original shipping cost of the item to you will not be credited or refunded. Store credit will be valid for one year from the date of issue. Afterward, any unused credit will be forfeited.
Damaged Item Return
Claims for defective or damaged items must be filed within 48 hours of delivery. Please inspect your items immediately upon delivery.
Claims received after 48 hours of delivery usually cannot be processed.
Order Cancellation
Orders that have not yet shipped or are on backorder may be cancelled. Once an item has shipped, the order cannot be cancelled. Custom and special-order items cannot be cancelled.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact and we assist in the best way possible.
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