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An Extraordinary Gala and a Provocative Exhibition: Oscar Tusquets Presents Spanish Design

One cannot avoid the spirited influence of Spanish design on modern furnishings and architecture.
One cannot avoid the spirited influence of Spanish design on modern furnishings and architecture.

One cannot avoid the spirited influence of Spanish design on modern furnishings and architecture. Recognizing the contribution of contemporary designers from Spain on the international design community, Luminaire staged an exhibition of cutting-edge Spanish design at its Coral Gables showroom, featuring pieces by manufacturers such as Akaba, B.D. Ediciones, and Punt Mobles. Oscar Tusquets, founding partner of Bd Barcelona design, opened the exhibition with a lecture at Florida International University (FIU). An architect by training, a painter and writer by inclination, and a designer by vocation, Tusquets has achieved many honors for his work in design and architecture, including the National Award of Design. In addition, some of his pieces belong to significant design collections in museums such as the MoMA, New York and the Centre George Pompidou, Paris.

The lecture preceded an extraordinary gala where design luminaries from all over the world exchanged ideas and experienced an all-encompassing environment of good food, good company, and good design.


Friday, March 1, 1991