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ICFF Opening Reception featuring GlasLove

Luminaire hosted the inaugural reception to launch the first edition of ICFF Miami at its showroom showcasing their GlasLove exhibition.
Luminaire hosted the inaugural reception to launch the first edition of ICFF Miami at its showroom showcasing their GlasLove exhibition.

Luminaire hosted the inaugural reception to launch the first edition of ICFF Miami at its Design District showroom showcasing their GlasLove exhibition and online auction featuring unique, limited-edition, and prototype glass objects by renowned designers all to benefit cancer research.

ICFF is North America’s largest and most prestigious design fair for interiors and celebrated their inauguration at Luminaire Lab. After day one of the show came to an end, exhibitors, attendees, media and partners of the ICFF Miami show were invited to celebrate the city’s rich design culture at Luminaire Lab.

More than 300 attendees explored Luminaire’s GlasLove exhibition and online auction in partnership with Phillips to benefit breast cancer research at the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016