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Design Matters: An Exhibition of Historically and Culturally Significant Design at the Museum of Contemporary Art

If a designer is to make long lasting, relevant pieces that creatively touch the lives of those who use it.
If a designer is to make long lasting, relevant pieces that creatively touch the lives of those who use it.

If a designer is to make long lasting, relevant pieces that creatively touch the lives of those who use it, then the designer must not only approach the piece as an engineer or a scientist or a business man, but she or he must also engage in reflection, like that of an artist or poet, and imagine the ways that the user will emotionally connect with the piece and personally invest in it’s function.

Good design will therefore reflect a social and cultural significance to the climate in which it is used. Miami architect Rene Gonzalez knows the importance of connecting design to the consumer, to the environment in which it’s made, to a philosophy or idea; his approach to architecture and design is a continuous process of questioning, philosophizing, and adjusting his focus so that his work is more than a structure or a machine, but an emotionally relevant product that changes the lives of those who experience it.

Inspired by the multifaceted role of the designer as an engineer, scientist, artist, philosopher, and poet, Gonzalez curated an exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art (MoCA) in North Miami. Viewing design as objects that hold ideas, cultural values, and creative expression, the exhibition featured furniture, industrial design, graphic design and installations that spanned the 20th century.

Many works of Luminaire were on display. By collaborating with Rene Gonzalez and MoCA, Luminaire continued to highlight the interconnectedness of design with all aspects of cultural exploration while drawing attention to it’s historical significance. Visitors to the exhibition learned that indeed, design matters – design is more than a product, it is creative innovation and a holistic experience that can affect many people’s lives.

Friday, September 1, 2000