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Bold Whimsy and Purposeful Innovation: The World of Giulio Cappellini

At Luminaire, Cappellini shared his experiences with a Chicago audience, enlightening them to his work and to the personality that made it possible.
At Luminaire, Cappellini shared his experiences with a Chicago audience, enlightening them to his work and to the personality that made it possible.

Stepping into the world of Giulio Cappellini is certainly a unique experience.

Since 1974, when Giulio took the helm of the company, the direction has shifted from the manufacturing of craft furniture to a central focus on design and more industrialized methods of production. The decades that followed have been marked by one success after another.

Cappellini’s remarkable vision and strict leadership ensures that the produces produced are neither boring nor absurd, but bravely whimsical, functional, and full of life. Each piece fits marvelously into one’s everyday life, while adding something delightfully playful to it. Working closely with living designers like Jasper Morrison and Ronan and Erwan Bourellec, Cappellini curates bold items and makes use of advanced technologies. The end result is a truly unique collection that finds favor among diverse audiences all over the world.

At Luminaire, Cappellini shared his experiences with a Chicago audience, enlightening them to his remarkable work and to the personality that made it possible.

Saturday, June 25, 2005